Begin Your Career in High School
ACT works closely with schools in Lake, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole, and Sumter high schools to utilize curricula developed by industry professionals. High school students are trained within their chosen trades of Building Construction Technologies; Carpentry; Electrical; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); Masonry; and Plumbing/Pipe Fitting.
The ACT Program's goal is to deliver students to graduation with a bright future in construction careers that began in high school. Beginning in their sophomore year and continuing through their senior year, these students learn the basic trade skills and safety practices needed to work on-site. Students are placed with a participating employer who sponsors them in the program.
The Academy of Construction Technologies (ACT Program) offers students the opportunity to begin a high-paying career in high school. Integrating academics and paid worksite experience.
ACT is working with industry leaders to build our future workforce. Join us and help shape students' lives!
ACT is the bridge between pre-trained high school students and industry members.

Building Construction
Heating, Ventilation, A/C (HVAC)
Plumbing / Pipe Fitting
Why choose the ACT Program?
Paid Summer Jobs
Start Your Life with Higher Wages
Taught by a Skilled Craftsperson
May qualify for Dual Enrollment Credit
May qualify for Post-Secondary Training Credits
College Options