Success Stories
Our Success Stories
“The ACT Program gave me direction and helped me establish career goals! I knew I wanted to work in the field and joining WELBRO gave me that opportunity to do that. Just this year, I was promoted to the assistant site manager.”
Brian Fouts
Graduate 2004
Osceola High School
Assistant Site Manager

“I started at Tri-City as an ACT student in 2004. Today, I have a BS degree in Construction Management. In 2015, I joined the ACT Board of Trustees and currently serve as the Chair. The ACT Program has come full circle for me!"
Vanessa Medina
Graduate 2005
Lyman High School/SSC
Project Manager
Tri-City Electrical Contractors

“I was hired by Wiginton Fire Systems over 16 years ago immediately after graduating high school. I started in the field as an apprentice advancing to foreman, design, sales and now the VP/Branch Manager of the Orlando and National Division.”

Chuck Patrick
Graduate 1998
Lyman High School
VP/Branch Manager
Wiginton Fire Systems